Tuesday 18 March 2014

List 2: 20 Experiences to Add to Your Characters Bucket List

In fiction, every character wants something, whether it's to use the toilet or to parachute into the Grand Canyon. When your character tries to get what they want, that is what drives the story forwards. Use these bucket list ideas to inspire stories, or just to give one of your characters an extra push forwards. 

1. Sleep under the stars

2. Get published

3. Go on safari

4. Learn the guitar

5. Get a lap dance

6. Hit a hole in one

7. Go to Coachella (or any other music festival)

8. Ride an elephant

9. Be a maid of honour/best man

10. Fall in love

11. Sit on a jury

12. Be an extra in a film

13. Spend the night in a haunted house

14. Swim with sharks

15. Go to a nudist colony

16. Ride a bull

17. Shake hands with the president

18. Shoplift

19. Set a world record

20. Kiss a member of the same sex

21. Get a tattoo (see my last post!)

Saturday 8 March 2014

List 1: 10 Tattoos To Inspire Your Characters

As a writer, I find inspiration for my stories wherever and whenever I can. I think tattoos are very personal, and the type of tattoo they get can be a reflection of the kind of person they are. One way I build on my characters is to imagine, if they had to be defined in a tattoo, what would it be? 

Here's a list of 10 tattoo's to help inspire you!

1.  The Lotus Flower

The lotus flower tattoo represents growth and life. Often, people who have been through a difficult time get the flower because they have overcome their struggle, like a lotus flower rises from the mud to sit on the top of the water.  

2. The Semicolon

In literature, you use the semicolon where a sentence could have ended, but didn't. A semicolon tattoo can symbolise a time when you almost gave up on something, but kept on trying.  

Recovering self harmer's have adopted this symbol in tattoo form to represent a time where they considered giving up their lives, but didn't. 

3. The Dragon

Dragon tattoos can mean many different things depending on they type of dragon you get, but they are mostly seen as symbols of confidence and power. 

4. Disney

Any Disney tattoos are largely symbolic of youth an innocence.
There are several Tumblr sites dedicated to Disney tattoos. 

5. The Ankh

Ankh's are ancient Egyptian symbols of life. The top loop is symbolic of the sun meeting the land on the horizon, and represents growth and prosperity.  Egyptians also believe that it represents a man meeting a woman just as the sun meets the land, inspiring new life. 

6. The Ampersand

These are mainly literary tattoo's, and people get them to symbolise their love of literature.
The symbol '&' also links two entities together, for example Romeo & Juliet or  Tom & Jerry. 

7. The Bee

Bees are loyal to their queen and to the rest of their hive. Each bee in the hive has a job to do, and they work together as a unit. They are hard working and dedicated, and will do whatever it takes to protect their family. Bees are also symbolic of sweetness, and represent a sweet life.

8. Skull

Traditionally, skull tattoos represent death and decay, however recently skull symbolism has expanded. Less morbid examples of skull tattoo meanings are power, protection, strength and living life to the fullest. 

In Mexico there is a holiday called 'Day of the Dead' where for two days, the Mexicans celebrate the lives of their deceased friends and family, making the skull a tribute to their lost loved ones. A Day of the Dead tattoo represents  the celebration of a lost friend or family member. 

9. The Elephant

In India, elephants are highly revered, and symbolise power due to its impressive size, wisdom, success, patience due to their level temperament, and prosperity. Elephants are also fiercely protective, and will die for their family. 

10. The Swallow

Swallow tattoos are very traditional, and rich in symbolic meaning. Swallows mean many different things to many different cultures. To many people, swallows signify a new beginning. 

Sailors used to get them because swallows were the first birds they would see when they reached land, and therefore represented good luck to them.

Two swallows together mean strength and loyalty, as the birds mate for life. 

Bonus Tattoo:
11. The Spider Web

Often inked on the elbow, the spider web tattoo is popular with ex-convicts, representing the amount of time they spent in jail.